Articles in Indexed Journals
51. Durand, F., Besson, T., Flaudias, V., & Zerhouni, O. (2025). New challenges and perspectives on the organic halo effect on calories estimation : A brief review and Meta-analysis. Food Quality and Preference, 105460. (IF =4.9, Q1 « Food Science »)
50. Dutheil, F., Saint-Arroman, C., Clinchamps, M., Flaudias, V., Fantini, M. L., Pereira, B., Berthon, M., Laporte, C., Baker, J. S., Charkhabi, M., Cocco, P., Lecca, R., Puligheddu, M., Figorilli, M., Zak, M., Ugbolue, U. C., Ubago-Guisado, E., Gracia-Marco, L., Bouillon-Minois, J.-B., & Vialatte, L. (2025). Influence of Socio-Demographic, Occupational and Lifestyle Variables on Sleep Time. Nature and Science of Sleep, 17, 195‑210. (IF =3.0, Q2 « Applied Psychology »)
49. Perriot, J., Peiffer, G., Arvers, P., & Flaudias, V. (in press). Tabagisme et luttre contre le tabac : vingt ans après la convention cadre pour la lutte antitabac de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Revue Médicale de Liège. (IF =0.2, Q4 « Medicine »)
48. Carre, A., Shankland, R., Guillaume, P., Duclos, J., El-Jor, C., Pellissier, S., & Flaudias, V. (2024). Validation of the French Version of the Body Awareness Questionnaire: Towards a Way to Assess Alexisomia. Frontiers in Psychology, 15. (IF =2.6, Q2 « Psychology ») doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1261994
47. Zerhouni, O., Loisy, S., Bouthier, R. & Flaudias, V. (2024). Preventing new substance use behaviors in youth: evaluation of a two-year comprehensive program. Frontiers In Psychology, 15. (IF =2.6, Q2 « Psychology »)
46. El-Jor, C., Hallez, Q., Filippone, L., Flaudias, V., & Shankland, R. (2025). Disordered Eating in Emerging Adults: A Narrative Review and Recommendations for Prevention. Emerging Adulthood. (IF=2.6, Q1 « Experimental and Cognitive psychology »)
45. Flaudias, V., Gonthier, C., Picot, M. C., Llorca, P.-M., Schmitt, A., Perriot, J., Georgescu, V., Courtet, P., Quantin, X., & Guillaume, S. (2024). Neuropsychological assessment fails to predict relapse among cigarette smokers : A prospective study of neurocognitive abilities. Addictive Behaviors, 151, 107940. (IF=4.4, Q1 “Clinical Psychology”) HAL
44. Flaudias, V., Pires, S., Martinot, D., Boudoukha, A.H., Damase, E., Mondillon, L., Llorca, P.M., & Silvert, L. (2024). Anorexia Nervosa : Enhancing motivation to change with self-determination theory. L’Encéphale, 50 (5), 573-577 (IF=2.7, Q1 « Arts and Humanities »)
43. Flaudias, V., Samalin, L., Godin, O., Gard, S., Brousse, G., Loftus, J., Aubin, V., Belzeaux, R., Dubertret, C., Le Strat, Y., Mazer, N., De Prémorel, A., Roux, P., Polosan, M., Schwitzer, T., Aouizerate, B., Llorca, P.-M., Biseul, I., Etain, B., … Guillaume, S. (2023). Crossed clinical features between eating disorders and types of bipolar disorder : Results from the FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise – Bipolar Disorder cohort. Journal of Affective Disorders, 335, 177‑185 (IF=6.533, Q1 « Clinical Psychology ») HAL
42. Naillon, P.L., Flaudias, V., Brousse, G., Laporte, C., Bakerj, J.S., Brusseau, V., Comptour, A., Zak, M., Bouillon-Minois, J.B., & Dutheil,F. (2023). Cannabis Use in Physicians: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Medicines, 10(29) (NO IF).
41. Pires, S., Denizot, H., Boudoukha, A;H., Mennuti J., Miele, C., Potard, C., Riquoir, G., Llorca, P.M., Flaudias, V., & Gerbaud, L. (2023). Selflife : A Life Skills Development Tool to Prevent Sexual Violence among Healthcare Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(6), 5198; (IF= 4.614, Q1 « Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis »)
40. Benistand, P., Vorilhon, P., Laporte, C., Bouillons-Minois, J.B., Brousse, G., Bagheri, R., Ugbolue, U.C., Baker, J.S., Flaudias, V., Mulliez, A. & Dutheil, F. (2022). Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Psychotropic Drug Consumption. Frontiers in Psychiatry (IF=5.43, Q1 « Psychiatry and Mental Health »)
39. Zerhouni, O., Flaudias, V., Barré, M. & Rodgers, R.F. (2022). The effects of exposure to social media images of thin and average sizes women on body satisfaction among young women : emotion regulation and self-efficacy as modulating factors. Body Image (IF = 5.58, Q1 « Psychology, Applied Psychology, Social Psychology ») HAL
38. Maurage, P., Heeren, A., Lannoy, S. & Flaudias, V. (2022) The role of attentional networks in smoking behavior among young adults: Specific contribution of executive control. Nicotine and Tobacco Research (IF = 4.244, Q1 “Public health”)
37. Flaudias, V., Zerhouni, O., Chakroun-Baggioni, N., de Chazeron, I., Llorca, PM. & Brousse, G. (2022). Evaluation of a Smartphone Application on the Reduction of Attentional Bias Towards Alcohol Among Students. Frontiers in psychology. (IF= 2.99, Q2 « Psychology »)
36. Pires,S., Villemeyre-Plane, M., Berthoz, S., Llorca, PM & Flaudias, V. (2022). Evaluation of the effectiveness of a cognitive remediation program in anorexia nervosa using new neuropsychological tools: a case study. L’Encéphale (IF= 1.291, Q2 « Arts and Humanities»)
35. Bourduge, C., Teissedre, F., Morel, F., Flaudias, V., Izaute,M. & Brousse, G. (2022) Lockdown Impact on Stress, Coping Strategies and Substance Use in Teenagers, Frontiers in Psychiatry. (IF= 4.157, Q1 « Psychiatry and Mental Health »)
34. Besson,A., Tarpin,A., Flaudias, V., Brousse, G., Laporte, C., Benson, A., Navel, V., Bouillon-Minois, J-B., Dutheil, F. (2021) Smoking prevalence among physicians: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF= 3.39, Q2 « Public Health »)
33. Chapoton, B., Tinquaut, F., Kenny, P., Sarda, E., Bègue, L., Chirain, A., Brousse, G., Chauvin, F., & Flaudias, V. (2021) Suggestibility, use of social networking sites use and relationship with substance addictive behaviors among university students. L’Encéphale, (IF= 1.291, Q2 « Arts and Humanities»)
32. Helme-guizon, A., Gavard-Perret,M.-L., Shankland, R., & Flaudias, V. (2021) Self-Efficacy Mediates the Effect of Framing Eating Disorders Prevention Message on Intentions to Have a Sufficient Weight: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF= 3.39, Q2 « Public Health »)
31. Brelet, L., Flaudias, V., Désert, M., Llorca, P.M., Boirie, Y. (2021) Stigmatization toward People with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder: A Scoping Review. Nutrients (IF=5.717, Q1 « Food Science ») HAL
30. Iceta, S., Rodrigue, C., Legendre, M., Daoust, J., Flaudias, V., Michaud, A., Bégin, C. (2021) Cognitive Function in Binge Eating Disorder and Food Addiction: A Systematic Review and Three-Level Meta-Analysis . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (IF=5.067, Q1 « Pharmacology »).
29. Mery, R., Flaudias, V., Guillaume S., Geneste-Salens, J., Llorca P.M., & Samalin, L (2021) Intérêt de l’hypnose avec usage d’un paradigme dans l’anorexie: cas clinique. L’Encéphale. (IF=1.291, Q2 « Arts and Humanities»)
28. Zerhouni,O., Flaudias, V., Brousse, G., & Naassila, M. (2021). L’impact de la COVID-19 sur la santé mentale des étudiants : mini-synthèse de la littérature actuelle. La revue de neuropsychologie. (NO IF, Q4 “Behavioral Neuroscience” “Neuropsychology and physiological Psychology”)
27. Icick, R., Gard, S., M’Bailara, K., Biseul, I., Samalin, L., Brousse,G., Flaudias, V., Llorca,P.M., Loftus, J., Cussac, I., Aubin,V., Schwan,R., Roux, P., Polosan, M., Courtet, P., Olié, E., Henry,C., Mazer,N., Haffen, E., Etain, B., Leboyer, M., Bellivier, F., Belzeaux, R., Godin, O., Guillaume,S. , The BIPADD group of FACE, FondaMental Advanced Centres of Expertise in Bipolar Disorders (FACE-BD) Collaborators.(2021) The course of bipolar disorder as a function of the presence and sequence of onset of comorbid alcohol use disorders in outpatients attending the Fondamental Advanced Centres of Expertise. Journal of Affective Disorder (IF=4.839, Q1 “Clinical Psychology”, “Psychiatry and mental health”) HAL
26. Flaudias, V., Zerhouni, O, Pereira, B., Cherpitel, C.J., Boudesseul,,J., de Chazeron, I., Romo, L., Guillaume, S, Samalin,L., Cabé, J., Bègue, L., Gerbaud, L., Rolland, B., Llorca, P.M., Naassila, M., & Brousse, G., (2021). The Early Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Stress and Addictive Behaviours in an Alcohol-Consuming Student Population in France. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 73 (IF=2.849, Q1 “Psychiatry and mental health”) HAL
25. Chapoton, B., Régnier Denois, V., Nekaa, M., Chauvin F., & Flaudias, V. (2020). Social Networking Sites and Perceived Content Influence: An Exploratory Analysis from Focus Groups with French Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (7025).(IF=2.849, Q2 “Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health”)
24. Flaudias, V., Iceta, S., Zerhouni, O., Rodgers, R.F., Billieux, J., Llorca, P.M., Boudesseul,,J., de Chazeron, I., Romo, L., Maurage,P., Samalin,L., Bègue, L., Naassila,M., Brousse, G., & Guillaume, S. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and problematic eating behaviors in a student population. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 24;9(3):826-835 (IF=5.143, Q1 “Clinical Psychology”, “Psychiatry and mental health” et “Medicine”)
23. Flaudias, V., Zerhouni, O., Llorca, P.M., De Chazeron, I., Chakroun-Baggioni, N., & Brousse, G. (2020). Evaluation de l’efficacité d’une application smartphone sur la réduction du biais attentionnel à l’alcool chez des étudiants. Alcoologie et addictologie.
22. Perriot,J., Marchandise, F., Lemaire, P., Doly-Kuchcik, L., Flaudias, V. (2020). Prise en charge de la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive des fumeurs et aide à l’arrêt du tabac après dépistage dans les quartiers prioritaires de la ville de Clermont-Ferrand. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités, 12 (1), 39-40. (IF=0,714, Q4 “Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine»)
21. Perriot, J., Underner, M., Peiffer, G., & Flaudias, V. (2019). Stratégie et modalités d’aide à l’arrêt du tabac chez les fumeurs tuberculeux. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (1), (IF=0.24, Q4 “Medicine”)
20. Flaudias,V., Zerhouni, O., Chakroun-Baggioni, N., Pires, S., Schmitt, A., de Chazeron, I., Llorca, PM. & Brousse, G. (2020) Reducing attentional bias in individuals with alcohol use disorders with a tablet application: a randomized controlled trial pilot study. Alcohol and Alcoholism., 55 (1), 51-55 (IF=2.882, Q1 “Medicine”)
19. Flaudias, V., Maurage, P., Izaute, M., de Chazeron, I., Brousse, G., & Chakroun, N. (2019). Craving Mediates the Relation between Impulsivity and Alcohol Consumption Among University Students. The American Journal on Addictions, 28(6):489-496 (IF=1.946, Q1 “Clinical Psychology”, “Psychiatry and mental health” et “Medicine”)
18. Zerhouni, O., Girod, C., & Flaudias, V. (2019). Free-will and alcohol consumption impact on the estimation of responsibility on a judgment task. Substance Use and Misuse, 27, 1-7. (IF=1.132, Q2 “Medicine” et “Health Science”)
17. Shankland, R., Favre, P., Corubolo, D., Méary, D., Flaudias, V., & Mermillod, M. (2019). Food-Cal: Development of a controlled database of high and low calorie food matched with non-food pictures. Eating and Weight Disorders, 24(6):1041-1050 (IF=2.154, Q2 “Clinical Psychology” and Q2 “Psychiatry and mental health”)
16. Besson, T., Lalot, F., Bochard, N. , Flaudias,V., & Zerhouni, O. (2019). Caloric underestimation of “organic” food : exploring impact of implicit evaluations. Appetite, 137:134-144 (IF=3.174, Q1 “Psychology” and Q1 “Nutrition and Dietetics”)
15. Flaudias, V., Heeren, A., Brousse, G. & Maurage, P. (2019) Towards a triadic approach to craving in addictive disorders: The metacognitive hub model. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 27(5):326-331 (IF=3.264, Q1 “Psychiatry and mental health)
14. Carré, A., Shankland, R., Morvan, Y, Flaudias, V. & Lamboy B. (2018) Les Psychologues dans le champ de la Santé Mentale : les perspectives en Promotion de la Santé Mentale Positive. Pratiques Psychologiques, 27 (1), 71-84 (IF=0.32, Q4 Psychology )
13. Flaudias, V., Teisseidre, F., de Chazeron, I., Chalmeton, M., Bertin, C., Izaute, M., Chakroun-Baggoni, N., Pereira, B., Brousse, G., & Maurage, P. (2018) A multi-dimensional evaluation of craving and impulsivity among people admitted for alcohol-related problems in emergency department. Psychiatry Research, 272, 569-571. (IF=2.223, Q1 “Psychiatry and mental Health”)
12. Brousse, G., Zerhouni, O., Perriot, J., Bègue,L. & Flaudias, V. (2018) Editorial : Paquet neutre : l’étude qui fait tousser les tabacologues. L’Encéphale, 44, 489–490 (IF=0,599, Q2 “Arts and Humanities”)
11. Prost, C., Shankland, R., França, L.R., Laurent, A., & Flaudias, V. (2018) Importance of drive for thinness state to explain body dissatisfaction effect on symptomatology evolution of anorexia nervosa. Psychiatry Research, 266, 212-217. (IF=2.223, Q1 “Psychiatry and mental Health”)
10. Bertin, C., Zerhouni, O., Perriot, J., de Chazeron, I., Brousse, G., & Flaudias, V. (2017). Relationship between tobacco craving and quality of life among French students: Results of a cross-sectional study. Substance Use and Misuse, 27, 1-7. (IF=1.132, Q1 “Medicine” et “Health Science”)
9. Kempf, C., Llorca, P.M., Pizon, F., Brousse, G., & Flaudias, V. (2017) What’s new in addiction prevention in young people: a literature review of the last years of research. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1131. (IF=2.089, Q1 “Psychology”)
8. Dahdouh, A., Semaoune, B., Tremey, A., Samalin, L., Flaudias, V., de Chazeron, I., Llorca, P.M., & Brousse, G. (2017). Alcohol use and bipolar disorder comorbidity : synthesis and perspectives. European Psychiatry, 41 (S1) : S470. (IF= 7,156, Q1 “Psychiatry and Mental Health”)
7. Flaudias, V., Picot, M.C Lopez-Castroman, J., Llorca, P.M., Schmitt, A., Perriot, J., Courtet, P., Georgescu, V., Quantin, X., & Guillaume, S. (2016). Executive functions in heavy and light dependent smokers : importance of inhibitory capacities. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150940. (IF=2.766, Q1 “Medicine”)
6. Zerhouni, O., Bègue, L., Duke, A., & Flaudias, V. (2016). Dynamic exposure to alcohol advertising in sporting events influences implicit attitudes. Alcohol: Experimental and Clinical Research, 40 (2), 422-428. (IF=3.183, Q1 “Medicine” et “Psychiatry and Health science”)
5. Flaudias, V., de Chazeron, I., Zerhouni, O., Boudesseul, J., Bègue, L., Bouthier, R., Lévrier, C., Llorca, P.M., Brousse, G. (2015). Preventing alcohol abuse through social networking sites: a first Assessment. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(12), e278. (IF=4.671, Q1 “Medicine”)
4. Augustinova, M., Silvert, L., Ferrand, L., Llorca, P. M., & Flaudias, V. (2015). Behavioral and electrophysiological investigation of semantic and response conflict in the Stroop task. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 543-549. (IF=3.092, Q1 “Experimental and cognitive psychology”)
3. Flaudias, V., & Llorca, P.M. (2014). A brief review of three manipulations of the Stroop task focusing on the automaticity of semantic access. Psychologica Belgica, 54(2), 199-221. (IF=1.03, Q2 “Psychology”)
2. Flaudias, V., Brousse, G., de Chazeron, I., Planche, F., Brun, J., & Llorca, P.M. (2013). Hospital Care for alcohol-dependant patients: attentional bias measured with the french version of the Alcohol Stroop test. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 9, 773-779. (IF=2.195, Q2 “Psychiatry and Mental Health”)
1. Augustinova, M., Flaudias, V., & Ferrand, L. (2010) Single-letter coloring and spatial cueing do not eliminate nor reduce a semantic contribution to the Stroop effect. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17, 827-833. (IF=3.092, Q1 “Experimental and cognitive psychology”)
Other publications
Shankland, R., & Flaudias, V. (2017) Méditer pour mieux se concentrer ? Sciences humaines Magazine.
Flaudias, V., Gravière., A., Piano, S., Renaudet, C., Kempf, C. & Brousse G. (2017). La prévention des conduites à risques et addictives chez l’enfant, un exemple des temps d’activités périscolaires : analyse des risques et opportunités, Rapport d’analyse CR2A.