
Valentin Flaudias is currently an associate professor in experimental psychopathology and clinical psychology at the University of Nantes in the psychology laboratory of Pays de la Loire UR 4638.

He worked as a clinical psychologist at Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital from 2011 to 2021. He was in charge of the Auvergne addiction resource center and then coordinator of the referral center for eating disorders.

Before his recruitment in Nantes, he pursued his research and teaching activities within the EA 7280 and the Institut Pascal, a CNRS UMR 6602 laboratory. This research team explores the subcortical processes involved in neurodegenerative and psychiatric pathologies, and in particular the impulsive dimension of addictive pathologies.

Its main research theme is the understanding of the interactions between cognitive, emotional and interoceptive processes in psychopathology, and the modalities of possible treatment, in particular in the understanding of eating disorders and addictive problems.